Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WAY Better Than Those Free Grocery Store Samples

Due to my corporate shillery for Good Vibrations sex toys, they have now made me an official "Product Reviewer."  This is probably not something I will put on my resume, but it does mean they send me lots of stuff for review.  And, as delightful as it would be to have an extra room festooned with various colored dildos and the like, I am willing to share the sex swag wealth with you, gentle reader.

Here's the deal, the first two people to respond will get one of the following products pictured below.  In return, you report back to us what you thought.  (Be truthful, don't be a big corporate kiss-up like me.) Now, Good Vibrations has all kinds of gyrating phallic things with buttons, multi-speeds and alarming-looking prongs, but we're gonna ease into all this.

First up for grabs is:

I Dare You--30 Sealed Seductions card game.  The cards are written by "sexpert" (and yes, it does pain me a little to use that word--thanks for asking) Susie Bright and contain activities for you and your partner to enjoy.  We are presuming that said activities are indeed seductive and not like, "Watch TV all night together while barely acknowledging each other's presence."

Second up is a little more risque:  the Tool of the Trade Kit, containing the Pearl Drop Vibrator, Red Hot Bullet Vibrator, Please Gel Lubrication, GV wipes-vanilla (whatever those are) and two AA batteries.  It's kind of a sex toy starter kit, a beginner-level of embarrassing objects for the kids to find in your drawer.

First person to respond gets first pick, second gets the other thing.  If you're too modest to reply in the comment section (and girl, get over that!), you are welcome to reply by e-mail instead.


Fair_Elaine said...

Gosh, I'd give it a whirl. Can't remember the last time I received a toy as a gift. ;-)

Jill Hamilton said...

Congratulations to the speedy Fair Elaine. You get first dibs. Email me which thing you pick and a mailing address.. E-mail address is:

leslie said...

dang it i missed it!!!

Unknown said...

it's a bit racy and has some bad words best to keep this out of the school environment..thanks

Kathleen said...

Hey Lady
been out of town. now home and reading your blog and it is CRACKING MY BUTT WIDE OPEN! that means it's funny in K-speak. i am now putting down my semi engaging vampire slayer book and taking up your blog as my nighttime reading. will broadcast your blogspot to friends who will enjoy it and thus increase your following. you rock, you inspire, you are one of the funniest people i know. will you be my friend forever?