Not to say that the Spatula isn't a worthy foe. I mean, check out this engaging prose from its page:
"The term spatula is used to refer to various small implements with a broad, flat, flexible blade used to mix, spread and lift materials including foods, drugs, plaster and paints."But, fuck, it's a SPATULA.
Since yesterday when I started--as dear reader Jeanne Hospod put it--"bitching" about this situation, IBWMW's FB page has gained 3 fans.
However, spatula, in its cunning way, has gained 2.
It's hard to feel good about one's Important Life Work when one (that would be me) is getting bested by an inanimate object, albeit one with "a broad, flat, flexible blade."
So could you get your heinie (or someone else's heinie) over there today to like the IBWMW page?* Besides the chance to stick it to that damn spatula, you'll get regular updates on Misguided Googlers®, plus the chance to hobnob with random weirdos from all over the globe (before I cruelly delete them and their sexy sexy offers of "fat and meaty kitty tasting").
*If you are feeling conflicted because you like both IBWMW and spatulas, you can be like dear reader Andy who handled the dilemma by cleverly liking both pages. Or you can endear yourself even further, like dear reader Larry, by un-liking that stinkin' spatula. That's right. In your FACE, spatula.
and now 499!
at this rate, we will have caught up to spatula in...well, like, 2 months or something.
know that i am out on the streets of Oz promoting IBWMW m'lady....
spatula as a word never sat right with me, what with the different pronunciations and the like...i prefer SPATula whereas others spatULA, which in my mind is slightly offputting...
dunno where i was going with that one...oh yeah...good luck eh?
There are some creative uses for the spatula outside of the kitchen... Just sayin'...
That spatula looked slutty ... she is probably letting people taste her meaty kitty and THAT is why she has more friends. Spatula is dead to me now.
I never liked spatulas anyway.
I'm doing everything I can, not to like the spatula.........
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